The Cheese Shop Xmas Show 1995 (#4)

Dave claimed that 1995 wasn't that special a year. He said it wasn't as bad as 1994 or 1993, but that nothing really happened. Maybe the audience packed into the Pat that night felt similarly. That might explain the intense enthusiasm they showed Dave. Or it was just that The Cheese Shop Xmas Show had become a minor institution by 1995. Gone are the commemorative T-shirts, sadly, replaced by Dave's snappy jacket... but the jeans remained high-waisted.
A few of Dave's catchphrases were well embedded by this time: "Are we, as a group, up for it?", "Regular Cheese Shoppers will know..." and of course, "Just can't stop readin' that 50/50..." The Herald-Sun continued to provide endless material for Dave, particularly the 50/50 column, where the more reactionary members of society would parade their narrow-mindedness in opinionated print, and the 'Can You Help?' section, where they would reveal their arcanely conservative tastes and desires. Dave's dedication to the Herald-Sun bordered on ironic fandom.
Finally, 1995 saw Dave trying an "experiment" based on the theory that "all comedians really want to be rock stars". I think the last bracket of the 1995 Xmas Show, a performance by purpose-built band The Steaming Curds featuring various comedians (including yours truly debuting my Boy George impression), proved Dave to be correct about the health of comedians' egos yet again. And the audience loved it.
A few of Dave's catchphrases were well embedded by this time: "Are we, as a group, up for it?", "Regular Cheese Shoppers will know..." and of course, "Just can't stop readin' that 50/50..." The Herald-Sun continued to provide endless material for Dave, particularly the 50/50 column, where the more reactionary members of society would parade their narrow-mindedness in opinionated print, and the 'Can You Help?' section, where they would reveal their arcanely conservative tastes and desires. Dave's dedication to the Herald-Sun bordered on ironic fandom.
Finally, 1995 saw Dave trying an "experiment" based on the theory that "all comedians really want to be rock stars". I think the last bracket of the 1995 Xmas Show, a performance by purpose-built band The Steaming Curds featuring various comedians (including yours truly debuting my Boy George impression), proved Dave to be correct about the health of comedians' egos yet again. And the audience loved it.

First Bracket
Dave Taranto (MC) - Darren Casey - Sue-Ann Post
Second Bracket
Dave Taranto (MC) - Bob Franklin (with Matt King & Marty Sheargold) - The Sharpies (Trevor Wight & Liz Welch) - Greg Fleet (with Matt King & Marty Sheargold)
Third Bracket
Dave Taranto (MC) - The Steaming Curds (band): Angus Bell, Tim Harris, Stayci Taylor, Fred Rowan and Dave O'Neil with guest vocalists: Marty Sheargold, Anthony Morgan, Matt King, Stayci Taylor, Fred Rowan, Paul McCarthy, Darren Casey, Greg Fleet and various others...
First Bracket
Dave Taranto (MC) - Darren Casey - Sue-Ann Post
Second Bracket
Dave Taranto (MC) - Bob Franklin (with Matt King & Marty Sheargold) - The Sharpies (Trevor Wight & Liz Welch) - Greg Fleet (with Matt King & Marty Sheargold)
Third Bracket
Dave Taranto (MC) - The Steaming Curds (band): Angus Bell, Tim Harris, Stayci Taylor, Fred Rowan and Dave O'Neil with guest vocalists: Marty Sheargold, Anthony Morgan, Matt King, Stayci Taylor, Fred Rowan, Paul McCarthy, Darren Casey, Greg Fleet and various others...